Dr. Preethy Jacob Kunthara and our team are committed to providing high-quality services to help our patients enjoy lifelong health and a gorgeous smile.
Braces are expensive, and one thing you don’t want to do is to wear them any longer than you have to. To make sure that you your braces stay in good shape, you should brush and floss after 30 minutes after every meal and snack. And you should avoid hard, tough and sticky foods that can damage them. But from... read more »
Did you know that a toothache arises due to an infection often caused by tooth decay, a cracked tooth, or periodontal disease? Due to the fact that if bacteria enter the pulp of a tooth, it can lead to tooth death. Thus, it is important to always make sure you look for any signs of toothaches and have your smile... read more »
The summer season is a great time to have a beautiful smile restored with dental bonding, which is a cosmetic dental procedure that enhances and repairs damaged teeth by applying porcelain material to transform their look and function. Here are a few of the wonderful benefits that your smile can receive from dental bonding treatment: – The durable material used... read more »
Spring is here and the weather is slowly getting warmer. Now is the time to get ready for outdoor activities and spring-related traditions! While you’re doing these things, our dentist, Dr. Preethy Jacob Kunthara, encourages you to think of your child’s smile. They deserve top-notch teeth and gums this spring! So, she recommends doing everything you can to clean and... read more »
Tooth loss can occur if you fail to take good care of your oral health and smile. Unfortunately, there are many things that can cause tooth loss. So, if you’re interested in maintaining a strong and healthy smile as well as keeping your natural teeth for a lifetime, then you need to do everything you can to care for your... read more »
Gum disease is very dangerous. In fact, it’s one of the most destructive dental issues there is, in part because it can impact your overall health. Gum disease can infect and harm your gums as well as deteriorate the underlying bone, which can lead to loose and lost teeth. It’s best to prevent this disease before it starts. To help... read more »
Protecting your smile against the risk of tooth decay can be done with dental sealants. Dental sealants are safe to be applied and can be used at any age whenever molars begin to grow in. If you require additional oral health care prevention of dental erosion and tooth decay, consider the use of a dental sealant treatment. If you wish... read more »
If you have any missing or lost teeth, it is important to make sure they are replaced as soon as possible. Even a single missing tooth can lead to a severe downturn in your oral health. If left untreated, missing teeth can increase your risk of tooth decay, tooth slippage, gum destabilization, a weakened jaw, and a sunken in dental... read more »
If you regularly struggle to remember to brush your teeth each morning and night, or you are reticent to floss at least once each day, the residual bacterial matter in your mouth could gradually harden into tartar. The presence of this bacterial substance near the gumline is the leading cause of gum disease. If you fail to attend your regularly... read more »
Holiday travel, setting decorations, finding that perfect gift, and going to parties: the holidays aren’t the laidback time they seem to be! As you’re taking the time to enjoy this season, we hope that you continue practicing your oral hygiene routine to maximize the wellbeing of your teeth and gums. Here are some additional tips to keep you on track... read more »